Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Goozex Scores for the Month

This month I made some pretty good scores from trading on Goozex. If you have read my previuos posts then you know my method on how to get games for free or close to nothing. If you havent read my previous posts check them out HERE & HERE.

Now for another Goozex tip on how to get newer titles and how to get in line for the trade early.
First if you are a gamer you know that new game titles are released on Tuesdays, Goozex follows the same release schedules and will only allow you to add a game to your "Watch" list until it is actually released. Which is good because his makes it so people dont get in line to get a game the second it is annouced. So here is how I get in line early.

1. Add future titles you want to your "watch" list
2. Go to your watch list on Monday night just before midnight
3. Refresh the page at 12:00am (press F5 on your keyboard)
4. The games that are released on tuesday will now say "add to request list"
5. That is it, I am 1 of only a handful that use this technique so normally I am able to get in 1st-10th in line.
6. Even if you dont have the credit for the game you can put it on hold and you will keep your place in line.

Pics of the games I was able to get this month: