Monday, September 19, 2011

App Redeem Update

I has been a while since I have posted anything on App Redeem and the is because my wife broken here iPod touch a couple of months back. Last week before we headed out on vacation I bought a 64gb 4th gen iPod touch so we could listen to some music through a FM transmitter in our car. When I got back I signed up for App Redeem again and while watching my favorite football game on Sunday I was able to get enought points to get $2.90 in my paypal account. It works a little different than before but just as fast. Follow these easy steps:

1. First from your iPod/iPhone/Andriod Phone/Tablet go HERE
2. Register your device and confirm the email
3. Select the free app from app redeem and it will direct you to itunes, download
4. open the app and give it a try
5. go back to app redeem and it will ask you to rate the app on a 1-5 star rating
6. You credit will be deposited, you can redeem for paypal or amazon credit (min paypal is $0.50 and min Amazon is $1.00) Paypal requires a verified account so if your not verified use amazon.
7. Use code "sdcblog" and we both get and extra 25 credits :)