Monday, December 3, 2012

Xbox TXT to Win Contest (with Answers)

Want to win 12 month XBL Gold membership or an Xbox 360 external hard drive? Just text GOLD to 699269 to enter. Then earn up to 10 additional entries each week by playing our fun text trivia. Enter and play now! Check the offical rules HERE

    Answer Key (SET 1):
    Q1 Gaffer - C Electrician
    Q2 Pop Rocks - B Carbon Dioxide
    Q3 Hollwood Muppet star? - B Big Bird
    Q4 Any Answer
    Q5 TMZ - C 30-mile zone
    Q6 What is a Sqib? - D Small explosive device used in films
    Q7 What kind of Xbox LIVE member are you?
    Q8 Field of dreams voice? - B Ray Liotta
    Q9 Where does Skyrim take place? - A Skyrim
    Q10 Any answer

    Answer Key (SET 2):
    Q1 Dave Matthews Band- A. Sandy Relief
    Q2 Breaking Dawn PETA- C. caged wolves
    Q3 Channing Tatum- A. Sexiest
    Q4 Eddie Murphy Remake- B. Bev Hills Cop
    Q5 Psy mimes- C.Horse
    Q6 M.Lohan Secret- A.Child
    Q7 Hitchcock S.Johansson- B.Showering
    Q8 Beiber got- A.Ducati motorcycle (please crash and road rash your face B)
    Q9 New X-men Movie- B. Leather Suits
    Q10 Twins sequel- C. Triplets