Thursday, July 19, 2012

Milestone 60,000 Giveaway **Update**

Earlier today I posted a giveaway for selebrating 60k gamerscore and page views HERE
There is 2 prizes up for grabs. The first prize was snagged by Jake D. Congrats.

1st msp prize: (Answered by Jake D.)
1. Like my blog on Facebook (link to the right)
2. Post on my blogs facebook wall a guess at my favorite animal
3. First to guess will get a code for the 160msp
Answer: Rhino

2nd msp prize:
1. Like my blog on Facebook (link to the right)
2. Post on my blogs facebook wall and guess A number 1-100
3. I will draw a number using the closest to the number will get a code for the 160msp
I will get the number tomorrow at noon.