Thursday, February 7, 2013

Possible 200 Free Microsoft Points

If you are an Xbox Live Rewards member you can earn 200 Microsoft Points when you rent or buy five HD Movies, seven HD TV Shows, or one TV Season Pass on Xbox Video.

*Make sure you are an Xbox Live Rewards member to get this deal. It's free to sign up at

Some TV episodes are free for a limited time. Usually after a week or two the price goes up. So you could "buy" them while they are free and hopefully that will count towards the promotion. It does say "All movies and TV Shows featured on Xbox Video qualify for the offer." No guarantees this will work, but it's worth a shot.

Here's a list of current free full episode HD TV shows:

Monday Mornings: Season 1 - Pilot

Do No Harm: Season 1 - Pilot

Southie Rules: Season 1 - Bill Roulette

Mankind Decoded: Season 1 - Lust For Luxury

Smash: Season 2 - On Broadway

The Face: Season 1 - The Fight to Make the Final 12

The Weight of the Nation: Season 1 (Season Pass is also free)

The Guild (Seasons 2 - 5 are in HD) *Listed as "Web Videos", so it might not count as a TV show

Credit goes to CodeTrader at CAG