Monday, August 13, 2012

Durango Alpha Tower Arrives on Ebay and is sold for $20,100

With the past few weeks of random Durango Alpha Tower image leaks, user DaE continues to push Microsofts buttons.

On August 12th 2012, a Durango was posted on Ebay by user SuperDaE for $1.00. We caught up with user DaE for a second and asked if he had anything he would like to add to the story, he said "All proceeds go to charity. And by charity, I mean my new car."

For those who do not know what the Durango is, it is the next generation Xbox but it is loaded into a plain PC tower until the final case in completed. This is NOT what the console will look like. This is called an Alpha Tower. It is in no way close to a final product.

The item was listed with a few items, which include the controller and the power supply. Below you can find the Ebay link, which is expected to be pulled down somewhat soon by Ebay or Microsoft.

The item has been sold for $20,100.